Cannon is a really cute baby. Whenever I go out in public, I am constantly being stopped so people can admire him. "Oh, he could be the Gerber baby!" is a fairly common refrain. "Those cheeks! Those legs!" is another. When Kemper and Rowan were babies, they stopped a fair amount of traffic, but that was the twin thing. People just can't help themselves around twins, it seems. I figured with one baby, it's just a baby and not any big deal.
I would estimate that Cannon gets about twice as much attention as his brothers did. I was not expecting this. I figured if everyone else thinks he's so cute, maybe I should take him to a modeling agency and see if he could cash in on those good looks.
I did some poking around, and eventually went to the baby open modeling call at a local agency that a friend uses for her kids. They gave us a brief talk about the industry in general, and the agency in particular. We saw pictures of some of the kids they represent. Then each child/parent couple went up, photos in hand, for a brief (really brief, as in 10 seconds) one-on-one with the owner. This was on a Wednesday morning, and we were all told that if they were interested, we would get a phone call by 5 p.m. on Friday.
Apparently Cannon doesn't have "it", whatever "it" is. We didn't get a call. Oh well. He's still the cutest baby ever in my book.